



Meomari has a 14 day return policy, which means you have 14 days after receiving your item(s) to return your order and receive a refund.

To be eligible for a return, the item(s) must be in the same condition as you received them, with all the tags and security seals untouched. The items should not show any sign of being worn, used, washed, damaged, wrinckled, or contain smelly odors. The items must be returned in their original condition and in their original packaging. Boxes, dust bags and other packaging must be returned with the items.


Exceptions/non refundable items

The following items are excluded from Meomari's exchange & return service: Perishables such as food & drinkscustomized items, clothing that had the hygienic seal removed where provided. This does not affect the customer's rights according to the law.


To start a return, simply follow the instructions outlined on the return form. For assistance during your return process please reach out to us at boutique@meomari.com

Damages and issues
If we accidentally send you a false or faulty article please accept our apology and know that we will do our best to solve the problem in the best and fastest way. Therefore please inform us by emailing us at boutique@meomari.com. Make sure to include your direct phone number in the email so we can call you in case we need more information.


Please be informed that Meomari does not offer an exchange service. Please return the item(s) and place a new order.


Once we have received your return and checked that all the requirements have been met, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. The refund will be requested on the same day of acceptance.

The amount will be refunded through our payment gateway upon receiving the return confirmation e-mail and will take up to 7 working days to process.
 The time it takes to restore the credit back to your account depends on the credit card issuer.